No matter if power- or narrowboats, Terry Hewlett has it all covered in his Calvendo calendar portfolio (and more!). The Wiltshire-based photographer, who also runs photography workshops, has more than 40 years of professional experience. Working as a wedding photographer, he has had many a (hopefully) happy couple in front of his lense and now intends to concentrate more on his “old love” landscape photography in future. Learn more about the Royal Photographic Society associate in our interview and don’t miss his really good advice on the process of creating calendars!
Terry, can you talk a bit about your background as a photographer and how and when you took up photography?
My passion for photography extends way back to my teenage years when I left my then current employment and started a 2-year full time photography course. During my two years I won a Royal Society of Arts Bursary competition. I then ran a commercial photographic studio in Northern Ireland.

Terry’s Narrowboats calendar