Time to congratulate a few people: Eight Calvendo self-publishers have won prices in the prestigious Gregor International Calendar Award 2016. Well done! The awards ceremony took place in Stuttgart last week and everyone looks very happy, don’t you think:

Copyright: Udo W. Beier
The international Gregor award was launched in Stuttgart in 1950 in order to showcase calendar creations in Germany and abroad. Participants can each year submit calendars on different subjects and altogether 1026 calendars from Germany, other European countries, Japan and Israel were evaluated by the jury for the 2016 awards. For the first time, the growing importance of self-publishing was recognised by adding a whole new category for self-published wall calendars. Which we, at Calvendo towers, obviously very much applaud and it’s great to see our users showcasing their work and being awarded for their creative efforts! Altogether ten prices were handed out for the Gregor Self-Publishing Calendar Award 2016 and here are the eight Calvendo winners:
Klaus Eppele: Natur pur (travel/landscapes category)
Florian Westermann: Zauberhafte Landschaften (travel/landscapes category)
Marcus Bayer: Architektur – 126 Grad (cities/architecture category)
Eberhard Ehmke: Komm doch näher … (animals category)
Beat Frutiger: Fremde Wesen (art/culture category)
Kamran von Kleist: Feuerdrachen (art/culture category)
Manfred Zimmermann: Pixel Zeitzeugen (art/culture category)
Beate Gube: Amerikanische Schönheiten aus Stahl (technology/transport category)
Covers of the Calvendo calendars receiving the Gregor Self-Publishing Calendar Award 2016:

Beat Frutiger: Fremde Wesen, awarded in art/culture category as well as jury price

Klaus Eppele: Natur pur, awarded in travel/landscapes category

Florian Westermann: Zauberhafte Landschaften, awarded in travel/landscapes category

Marcus Bayer: Architektur – 126 Grad, awarded in cities/architecture category

Eberhard Ehmke: Komm doch näher …, awarded in animals category

Kamran von Kleist: Feuerdrachen, awarded in art/culture category

Manfred Zimmermann: Pixel Zeitzeugen, awarded in art/culture category

Beate Gube: Amerikanische Schönheiten aus Stahl, awarded in technology/transport category